Beamery Administrator Certification

Beamery Administrator Certification

Become a Certified Beamery Administrator! The Beamery Administrator credential is here to certify your Beamery expertise. Master all the skills needed to configure and manage your organization's Beamery platform.

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Welcome to Beamery
As an Administrator using Beamery (whether new to the tool or well-acquainted) we are thrilled to have you. Start here to get familiar with the company, the platform, the training and meet one of Beamery's very own Admins!
Beamery Quick Start Guide
Step 1: New Users Start Here! With this quick start guide, you will set up Pools, create saved searches and filters, and discover the Beamery Extension. Make sure to access the guide as we walk through the video. It contains instructions, best practices, and quick tips for success.
Quick Links
Beamery Basics
Step 2: Beamery Basics is the second course in our New User Training that focuses on orienting you to the Beamery Home Page and Understanding the CRM and Creating Contacts.
Beamery Boost
Step 3: Beamery Boost is the final course in our New User Training that focuses on Notifications, Custom Fields, Sending Emails in Beamery, Reporting, and Vacancies. Get ready to hone your skills as you wrap up your first few weeks in Beamery!
Beamery Administrator Certification
Step 4: Beamery Bootcamp - the final step in Beamery's Administrator Certification! Refine your skills and learn how to support your users as your team delivers the best candidate experience.
Beamery Administrator Certification Exam
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